8 Exterior Paint Colors That Make Your House Look More Expensive

8 Exterior Paint Colors That Make Your House Look More Expensive
gidiere exterior front house alabama
Brian Woodcock

Dark Gray

betty hulse and don leslie's highlands, north carolina home designed by timothy whealon architecture by stan dixon
Brie Williams

It should come as no surprise that trending interior colors typically make their way to the exteriors of homes as well, and dark gray is no exception in this instance. Reebals says that Off-Black by Farrow & Ball provides “a bold and powerful statement” in its not quite gray, not quite black appearance.

Another choice if you’re leaning toward the dark side of the spectrum is Railings by Farrow & Ball. “Gray or dark color selections can easily feel cold, but not Railings,” Reebals says, “It has a warmth and depth while remaining powerful and rich.”

Light Gray

veronica swanson beard nantucket cottage exterior
Ngoc Minh Ngo

Maybe dark gray feels like too much for your home’s exterior. To keep things looking neutral and still expensive, consider a shade of light gray instead. As Reebals says, grays in general are often considered “safe,” but Gray Lake by Benjamin Moore pushes the envelope a bit to create visual interest. It’s “beautiful and powerful,” Reebals says.

Another light gray to ponder is Coventry Gray by Benjamin Moore, which Babcock calls “a true medium gray.” She says, “It has slight blue undertones, keeping it cool and away from ever having a dark appearance. This is the workhorse of neutral grays, and it works equally well on the exterior of modern and traditional homes alike.”

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Dark Green

Betsy Shiverick Palm Beach Home
Björn Wallander

Looking for a way to make an elegant impact on your home’s overall appearance? Then look no further than Carriage Green by Farrow & Ball. This dark green hue “makes a strong statement” as Reebals says, and also communicates “layers of nature.”

“Green has made a powerful comeback in recent years,” Reebals reflects. Whether you cover your entire home or simply paint your shutters in a verdant hue, it’s sure to make a beautiful (and expensive-looking) impact.

Soft Blue

front porch decorating ideas

A classic yet eye-catching color for a home’s exterior is any shade of soft blue. Reebals points out that, for instance, Berrington Blue by Farrow & Ball is a “bold color for a cottage or small house.”

Another soft blue to think about is Instinct by Benjamin Moore, which Reebals describes as “rich and bold, a natural color that will blend well with nature and, when landscaping is curated well, will make a strong statement.”

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a white house with a red door
Manu Rodriguez

Fresh and clean, bright whites will never go out of style for a home’s exterior, and this sense of timelessness can create an expensive feel. Babcock says that one such white is Pure White by Benjamin Moore. It’s a “soft white that has gray undertones with a touch of blue that will make the trim on a house really pop,” she adds.


gidiere exterior front house alabama
Brian Woodcock

Perhaps a creamy look feels better for your home’s exterior. Calling Alabaster by Sherwin-Williams “a classic color that has a timeless quality,” Reebals is partial to this shade of off-white.

Make sure to swatch several off-white colors and look at them throughout the day to make sure you’ve chosen the right shade, since different lighting can change the paint’s undertones.

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Navy Blue

beautiful luxury home exterior at twilight
hikesterson//Getty Images

You can’t ever really go wrong with shades of navy blue for an interior or exterior, and Hale Navy by Benjamin Moore just might be the best navy of them all.

“I love this classic navy blue with gray undertones,” Babcock says. “This timeless maritime blue is elegant, incredibly versatile, and instantly elevates the curb appeal of a house.”

Chocolate Brown

richard keith langham mississippi hunting lodge exterior
Becky Luigart-Stayner

For a slightly unexpected choice that will still look very expensive, consider a chocolate brown hue for your home’s exterior. Reebals particularly leans toward Tucker Chocolate by Benjamin Moore.

“Darker colors have, thankfully, found their way back onto exteriors as more than just an accent,” Reebals says. “Painting a well-designed home in Tucker Chocolate is bold and will stand out.”

Headshot of Shelby Deering

Shelby Deering is an accomplished writer with nearly two decades of experience, including a decade as a full-time freelance writer. Specializing in home design, health and wellness, and travel topics, Shelby’s work has graced the pages of publications such as Domino, Good Housekeeping, Martha Stewart Living, The Pioneer Woman, Woman’s Day, and Real Simple. She holds a master’s degree in journalism and mass communication from the University of Madison-Wisconsin.


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